
April 2016
The Color PurpleBy Alice WalkerPublished: 1982More Info: Purchase at your local bookstore.
April 2016
The Color PurpleBy Alice WalkerPublished: 1982More Info: Purchase at your local bookstore.

April 2016
The War of ArtBy Steven PressfieldPublished: 2002More Info: at your local bookstore.
April 2016
The War of ArtBy Steven PressfieldPublished: 2002More Info: at your local bookstore.

March 2016
The Alphabet Versus the Goddess: The ConflictBetween Word and Image By Leonard Shlain Published: 1998More Info: at your local bookstore. reading this book was one of the most revelating experiences...
March 2016
The Alphabet Versus the Goddess: The ConflictBetween Word and Image By Leonard Shlain Published: 1998More Info: at your local bookstore. reading this book was one of the most revelating experiences...

March 2016
Between the World and Me By Ta-Nehisi Coates Published: July 14th 2015More Info: www.penguinrandomhouse.comPurchase at your local bookstore."This book floored me with its ability to make me (someone who has never...
March 2016
Between the World and Me By Ta-Nehisi Coates Published: July 14th 2015More Info: www.penguinrandomhouse.comPurchase at your local bookstore."This book floored me with its ability to make me (someone who has never...

February 2016
By Heart Poetry, Prison, And Two Lives by Judith Tannenbaum & Spoon Jackson Published: 2010More Info:realnessnetwork.blogspot.comPurchase at your local bookstore."the chapters in “by heart” are written alternately by Judith, a poet teaching...
February 2016
By Heart Poetry, Prison, And Two Lives by Judith Tannenbaum & Spoon Jackson Published: 2010More Info:realnessnetwork.blogspot.comPurchase at your local bookstore."the chapters in “by heart” are written alternately by Judith, a poet teaching...