Way back in the nineties, Animal Prufrock co-created the infamous queer rock duo, bitch and animal. After some time off from the road, s/he wrote and starred in a musical based on the comic "Hothead Paisan" and opened for Ani collaborating with the legendary poet and theorist Judy Grahn. After completing a Master of Fine Arts degree, Animal is working toward a PhD and becoming Dr. Animal. Over the last two years, s/he with the help of Ani, immersed hirself in making this record. A beautiful collection of love songs emerged; magical, melancholic, radical, sweet, playful, undisguised, and vulnerable. congratulations; thank you + i’m sorry is opening a shoebox of letters, pictures, and postcards of love, heartbreak, and cosmic tranny wizardry.
Animal is a musician, poet, artist and television theme song interpretive dancer. Raised in Queens, NY by Italian Catholics s/he knows how to make really good pasta sauce. S/he currently lives in San Francisco and is the musical director for a children’s art program and is pursuing her PhD in Transformative Studies. Animal receives unconditional love from her mini footlong dachsie and ’70s secretary femme who organizes all her paperwork.
Visit Animal’s website for more information www.animalprufrock.com.